Hello,This is me!

Stephanie Wong

UX/UI Designer UX Researcher Marketer


Research Focus

 Human Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous Technology & User Experience 

Master Thesis: Collaboration and Awareness Amongst Flight Attendants

Collaboration is a core component of work activities amongst flight attendants as they work to promote on-board safety and deliver a high level of customer service. While technologies like interphones and flight attendant call buttons acted as collaboration tools, I identified instances where the usability and functionality of these devices were the main barriers for maintaining efficient communication, situation awareness, and information exchange.

My research explored flight attendant's collaborative practices and processes and how technology aided such practices. As a proof of concept, I developed "Smart Crew", a smartwatch application allows flight attendants to maintain an awareness of each other and communicate through messaging with haptic feedback. It is designed with an emphasis on real time information access and direct communication between flight attendants regardless of their location.

This research was presented in CSCW 2017 as a full paper and demo. Also, submitted as a journal to International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI)

Project Details

Research Projects

Project 1: City Explorer
City Explorer is a city exploration transit adventure game designed in partnership with Translink, the transit authority for the Greater Vancouver area in Canada. I am developing the video for City Explorer. This research was accepted as a late breaking work in CHI EA '17 as a poster and a full paper.

Research Poster

Project Details

Project2: MyEyes
My Eyes is a first person view video streaming for long distance couples. It is a web-based video chatting app that help couples connect and start streaming video from their smartphones. The experiment was to test three different interfaces for viewing video feeds including: Split View, Overlapped View and Horizontal View. This was done by wearing the googles cardboard.

Featured In

Wong, S. (2017) Collaboration and Awareness Amongst Flight Attendants. Master Thesis. School of Interactive Arts & Technology, Simon Fraser University, March 2017.

1. Wong, S. & Neustaedter, C. (2017) Collaboration and Awareness Amongst Flight Attendants, In Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2017). ACM Press.

2. Pang, C., Pan, R., Wong, S., Neustaedter, C. & Wu, Y. (2017) City Explorer: Gamifying Public Transit Trips While Exploring the City, Proceedings of the Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (CHI 2017). ACM Press.

3. Pang, C., Pan, R., Wong, S., Neustaedter, C. & Wu, Y. (2017) City Explorer: Gamifying Public Transit Trips While Exploring the City, Proceedings of the Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (CHI 2017). ACM Press.

4.Wong, S., Yang, L., Riecke, B.E., Cramer, Emily. & Neustaedter, C. Kadir, A. (2017) Assessing the Usability of Smartwatches for Academic Cheating during Exams. Proceedings of the Mobile Human-Computer Interaction (MobileHCI 2017). ACM Press.

Demo and Abstract
1. Wong, S., Singhal, S., Neustaedter, C. & Kadir, A. (2017) Smart Crew: A Smart Watch Design for Collaboration Amongst Flight Attendants, Proceedings of the Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (CHI 2017). ACM Press.

2. Wong, S., Singhal, S., Neustaedter, C. & Kadir, A. (2017) Smart Crew: A Smart Watch Design for Collaboration Amongst Flight Attendants, Proceedings of the Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW 2017). ACM Press.

3. Pan, R., Neustaedter., Wong, S., Hesmat, Y., Singhal, S., Neustaedter, C., Riecke, B. (2017). MyEyes: First Person View Video Streaming for Long Distance Couples

4. Pang, C., Pan, R., Wong, S., Neustaedter, C. & Wu, Y. (2017) City Explorer: Gamifying Public Transit Trips While Exploring the City.

Stephanie Wong
Vancouver, Canada