Hello,This is me!

Stephanie Wong

UX/UI Designer UX Researcher Marketer


fast timing

> Mobile Applications >Time Awareness

Fast Timing

The conceptual idea behind this application was to make it easy to track time for fasting. Instead of using the Its shows the remaining time for sehar or iftar whichever is coming next.

On Apple Store: http://www.iphoneappstorm.com/iphone-apps/utilities/com.nomadicsmart.fasttimings/fast-timing.php?id=455654814

 Approach and Solution

It is difficult for users to know the exact timings for sehar and iftari, as they are based on an islamic calendar. This is especially true for the older generation, who are not used to interacting with complicated applications with various features. Therefore, the approach I took was to keep it simple and and still portray the islamic culture during the month of ramadan.

User interface would show the menu items when user taps on the screen. Thee same applies for when  users want to use the scrolling option.

We included featurest that allowed customization of the following:
  1. Calendar: Allowed users to customize their calculation and juristic method for fasting.
  2. Settings: Allowed users to customize their daylight saving alerts for Sehar and Iftar.
  3. Sharing: Allowing users to share their special prayers (duas).
  4. Contacts: Provide sending direct emails to other users via Fast Timing application.
  5. Feedback: Sending feedback to the team for improvement.
  6. Info: Information about the application.
Application Home Screen
Calendar settings
Settings for personalizing dates and alerts
Sending special prayers to other users

Stephanie Wong
Vancouver, Canada